HOME / Lubricants and mold releasing lubricants


Usage :

JP MAC SLR K Can be diluted to desire concentration by water. Due to quality of the water used in dilution,

the stability of the product may decrease. We recommend soft water for dilutions.

Final product can be used via;

  • As a mould release agent; spraying and brushing;

  • As a lubricant; spraying, brushing and dipping;

  • As an anti-static; spraying, brushing and dipping;

  • As a color deeping agent; padding.

After application, 130-150 oC drying or vulcanization will vaporize the water and active ingredient silicone will built a thin film on the surface of the material. This film will increase the fastnesses and will give anti static properties to textile material.


9 months, after production date if stored properly. Please make sure temperature will be maintained between 5 – 30 oC during storage. Do not let it freeze or exposure to direct sunlight. Expiring mentioned storage time does not mean product is completely out of specification, we recommend to check product properties with laboratory scale trials.


Usage :

JP MAC SLR K Can be diluted to desire concentration by water. Due to quality of the water used in dilution,

the stability of the product may decrease. We recommend soft water for dilutions.

Final product can be used via;

  • As a mould release agent; spraying and brushing;

  • As a lubricant; spraying, brushing and dipping;

  • As an anti-static; spraying, brushing and dipping;</!–li>

  • As a color deeping agent; padding.

After application, 130-150 oC drying or vulcanization will vaporize the water and active ingredient silicone will built a thin film on the surface of the material. This film will increase the fastnesses and will give anti static properties to textile material.


9 months, after production date if stored properly. Please make sure temperature will be maintained between 5 – 30 oC during storage. Do not let it freeze or exposure to direct sunlight. Expiring mentioned storage time does not mean product is completely out of specification, we recommend to check product properties with laboratory scale trials.

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